CBD Tincture Suggested Dosage Instructions
Our HolisticHempworks tincture has 95mg (milligrams) of CBD per ml (milliliter).
There are 23.75mg of CBD in 5 drops.
Instructions are for general use
Place 3-5 drops under your tongue, twice a day.
Let the liquid stay in your mouth for at least a minute so that the CBD is absorbed
into circulation before swallowing.
Dosage depends on patient; many have found that 5-7 drops,
two to three times a day, works best.
Those who have difficulty sleeping find that 10 drops or more at bedtime results in better, longer rest.
If nothing is felt at first, you may want to add a few more drops and/or a few more times a day. Note what is taken each day until finding what combination works best for you as everyone is unique.
Please consult with your Medical/Holistic Practitioner before using.
CBD Dosages and References
The Mayo Clinic suggested CBD dosages are based on scientific research, publications, traditional use, or expert opinion. Cannabidiol dosages and duration of treatment depend largely on the individual, the condition and the disease. The dosage standards are based on weight for both humans and animals.